Operating Plan

Public Review Process

The BID statute establishes a specific process for reviewing and approving operating plans. Pursuant to the statutory requirements, the following process will be followed:

1. The District shall submit its proposed Operating Plan to the Department of City Development.

2. The Community and Economic Development Committee of the Common Council will review the proposed Operating Plan at a public meeting and will make a recommendation to the full Common Council.

3. The Common Council will act on the proposed Operating Plan.

4. If adopted by the Common Council, the proposed Operating Plan is sent to the Mayor for his approval.

5. If approved by the Mayor, this Year Twenty-Seven Operating Plan for the District is approved and the Mayor will appoint, in accordance with Article III.D., new members to the Board to replace Board members whose terms have expired or who have resigned.

Below are current and several past operating plans of Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21. ***Please note, to search the assessable properties pdf, you must download and open in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Press "Command + F" for a Mac or "Control + F" for a PC to search by the property's address number.*** 
Year Twenty-Seven Operating Plan Year Twenty-Seven Summary of Changes Year Twenty-Seven Initial Property Values Year Twenty-Six Operating Plan Year Twenty-Six Summary of Changes Year Twenty-Six Initial Property Values Year Twenty-Five Operating Plan Year Twenty-Five Summary of Changes Year Twenty-Five Initial Property Assessments Year Twenty-Four Operating Plan Year Twenty-Four Summary of Changes Year Twenty-Four Initial Property Assessments Year Twenty-Three Operating Plan Year Twenty-Three Summary of Changes Year Twenty-Three Initial Property Assessments Year Twenty-Two Operating Plan Year Twenty-Two Summary of Changes