Milwaukee’s walking concierges. Downtown’s spirit squad. Information gurus. Our Public Service Ambassadors (PSAs) go by many names. What remains consistent is their unwavering dedication to keep downtown Milwaukee clean, safe and friendly.

Milwaukee’s walking concierges. Downtown’s spirit squad. Information gurus. Our Public Service Ambassadors (PSAs) go by many names. What remains consistent is their unwavering dedication to keep downtown Milwaukee clean, safe and friendly.
Panning and brooming all 150 square blocks of BID #21, not to mention scrubbing, power washing and gum-busting the streets, are the tasks of Milwaukee Downtown’s Clean Sweep Ambassador (CSA) team.
The Landscape Crew adds hues of color to the downtown scene with bright flowers and foliage. This team of green thumbs rotates spring, summer and fall arrangements in over 250 planters and 100 hanging baskets along Wisconsin Avenue, Old World Third Street and the RiverWalk.
Combined with the muscle of the Clean Sweep Ambassadors, the Graffiti Removal Team aids in maintaining downtown Milwaukee’s squeaky-clean image.
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