View the geographic boundaries of Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21.
We organize and fund a variety of programs aimed at keeping Milwaukee Downtown a beautiful and welcoming place for visitors, workers, and residents.
Learn about career opportunities within our organization.
In partnership with Milwaukee County Housing Division, Milwaukee Police Department, and the District Attorney's Office, Key to Change assists chronically homeless individuals within our community. Key-shaped meters build awareness of our community's quality of life programs and collect donations for both short and long-term assistance.
We want to increase the daily operations of downtown Milwaukee through strategy and planning
Learn about the organization's priority initiatives over the next five years.
Milwaukee Downtown is engaged in a variety of initiatives to program and enhance downtown's public spaces with events, activations and public art. Learn more about our accomplishments and projects underway!
Find out more details about our research, reports and results on Downtown Milwaukee
Want to know more about Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21? Reach out to us here
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