Experience Downtown Blog

Voices of MKE: Taking Care While Physically Distancing

April 9, 2020 /   Tea

Self-care is crucial, especially during a crisis. Milwaukee Downtown used an Instagram poll to ask Milwaukeeans how they're taking care of themselves right now. Here’s what some of your MKE neighbors are doing to stay well while staying home. 

May these ideas inspire you to stay motivated, healthy and happy during these times. Try out something new, or offer your own advice to a friend. We’re in this together, and we can do it!  

“Yoga, crochet, creative cooking, but mostly staying connected with loved ones!” | @susanneswiss 

“Stepping out into nature with my soulmate!” | @colorfuldreams4u 

“Making videos, helping a few small businesses transition to ‘remote.’” | @andrewfeller 

“Meditating, organizing, writing, creating, yoga, greens + fluids, and lots of TV apps.” | @ireneozo
“Getting a jump on spring cleaning and purging.” | @vogtcrew210 

“At-home exercising, eating healthy, vitamins. It is what you make it, use it as a time to grow.” | @hetzelproductions 

“Tea, watching TV, playing games like DELU, and keeping busy with school work” | @delugames 

“Walking! Moving! Without touching.” | @ronnielba 

“Binging Lord of the Rings with Commentary. (Extended editions of course.)” | @thebrianwolf 

“Exercise outside alone!” | @cheryldavis86 

“Lots of sunny walks with my dog.” | @kmstockton 

About the author: Claire Barten is Milwaukee Downtown's Special Events & Marketing Intern, spreading Milwaukee Downtown's community ideals through social media and other engaging platforms.

Posted in:  Sports