Experience Downtown Blog

Silver Linings: Creative. Kind. Resilient.

March 6, 2021 /   Milwaukee Sunrise
Photo courtesy of Melanie Bowden

Milwaukee is creative. Kind. Resilient. Through these next stories, we want to highlight the small and large triumphs that come out of hard times. These three folks shared their stories of taking what 2020 threw at them and how they discovered inventive ways to spark joy in their lives (stories submitted here).

The Best At-Home Adventures

While we were all trying to make the most of at-home movie nights and Zoom cocktail hours, Megan Theys decided to do the most. She and her boyfriend took their date nights to the next level since they couldn’t enjoy the usual night out on the town amid the pandemic. From perfecting their margherita pizza recipe to building blanket forts, they even created a Harry Potter scavenger hunt, complete with a Hogwarts feast - all at home! She looks forward to hopefully including other people in her creative and fun filled at-home events soon.

Spreading Kindness

Chad Lax found his favorite silver lining comes from spreading kindness and looking out for others in his free time. In an effort to bring light to others, Chad started performing random acts of kindness for unexpecting individuals during his day-to-day life. Even the tiniest surprise can bring such delight and joy to others, so why not go above and beyond for one another?

A Brave Move

After pushing through a life changing event, Melanie Bowden packed up her life and dog to move to Milwaukee. She now proudly calls Milwaukee home and is excited to safely explore the Cream City. Melanie also offers some great advice for those looking for some motivation to get out of bed:  “Waking up and seeing the sunrise every morning does wonders on a soul.” 

Milwaukee Downtown welcomes you to share your own silver lining stories with us so we can learn from one another and continue to move forward together. 

Share your story here. Four stories submitted by Friday, March 15 will be randomly selected to win $250 each in downtown gift cards. No story is too small! We want to hear your wins, discoveries, bright sides and the moments that helped MKE your year. 

About the Author: Terese Radke is a recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Special Events & Marketing Intern with Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21, advancing downtown's strategic priorities through marketing, events and social media.

Posted in:  Silver Linings