Experience Downtown Blog

Silver Linings: Choose Happy and Choose Yourself

April 1, 2021 /   Milwaukee skyline

Amid the challenges of the past year, the Milwaukee community not only rolled with the punches, but thought outside of the box and worked hard to find ways to thrive. Here we share a story from Leah Dueno, a community member whose silver lining changed her life.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Leah was in the most pain she’d ever endured because of her multiple sclerosis. She decided it was time to invest in her wellbeing and found quarantine gave her that time. 

Leah spent the last year devoted to making positive life changes. She started physical therapy, changed her diet, and focused on both her mental and physical health like never before. 

Her dedication and hard work proved to be the greatest silver lining - not only did she reduce the pain in her legs, but Leah found hope that she can face whatever comes her way. While the pain does show up every now and then, it is nowhere near what it was a year ago. By sharing her story, Leah hopes to be a small, but powerful “glimmer of hope for people with chronic illness.” 

Leah sums up her silver lining best herself:

“You get to choose how you want to live! Every day and how you feel about it is a choice! Choose happy and choose yourself, no one else can do it for you!”

Milwaukee Downtown encourages you to share your own silver linings from this year so we can learn from one another and continue to move forward together. 

Share your story here. No story is too small! We want to hear your wins, discoveries, bright sides and the moments that helped MKE your year. 

About the Author: Terese Radke is a recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Special Events & Marketing Intern with Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21, advancing downtown's strategic priorities through marketing, events and social media.

Posted in:  Silver Linings