Experience Downtown Blog

Meet the Muralist: The Couto Brothers Energize the City

September 4, 2020 /   Couto Brothers Milwaukee Downtown

Adding color to enliven the pedestrian experience underneath the freeway, four artists, each with a Milwaukee connection, are transforming the Broadway freeway piers into Milwaukee's newest outdoor art gallery.

The Couto Brothers have a history of colorful murals in the city. Previously, they had a mural on the corner of 1st Street and Pittsburg Avenue. Their most recent work under the I-794 elevated freeway ramps is a homecoming for the duo and was inspired by their love of the city and the people that work, live and play in it. 

Couto MuralAlex Couto hopes that this piece energizes the people who see it and creates an overall positive energy in the space. The colors were chosen specifically to energize people and draw attention to something that would normally be passed by or forgotten. The design has been altered to work with the space and be personal to the environment it is in. 

Alex hopes this piece will “inspire people for the day or put them in a good mood. Maybe inspire them to be creative themselves.” People who pass by are genuinely curious about the work that is being done and that energy will stay with the piece. 

Brighten the Passage muralists include Tia Richardson, The Couto Brothers, Dave Watkins (Real Abstract), and Josie Rice. Follow our progress on social media, or share your experience using #brightenthepassage

About the Author: Claire Neville is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Special Project Intern with Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21, advancing downtown's strategic priorities in the realm of economic development and public space management.  

Posted in:  Arts & Culture