Experience Downtown Blog

Ambassador of the Month: Roosevelt Jenkins

March 21, 2023 /   Ambassador of the Month: Roosevelt Jenkins

Ambassador of the Month: Roosevelt Jenkins

Known around the office for his joyous sense of humor and kind heart, Roosevelt Jenkins has been Milwaukee Downtown’s Director of Public Service Ambassadors for two years. Born and raised in Milwaukee, Jenkins frequented downtown often in search for the newest movies, a great spot to shop at in the mall or grabbing a bite to eat in some of his favorite spots on Wisconsin Ave. Jenkins later moved away for college, but Milwaukee drew him right back in. Jenkins claims he is “back again to stay!” 

“I have always loved the Milwaukee Downtown area. People coming from all around the world to our downtown is great! Meeting new people and finding out where they are coming from is exciting,” exclaims Jenkins. 

Roosevelt Jenkins

In recent efforts to report both positive and fixer-uppers in Milwaukee, Jenkins has been pushing the “see something, say something” mentality towards the Public Service Ambassadors as he believes they are the eyes and ears of downtown. 

This past January, one of the PSA’s, Brian Johnson, encountered a young woman on the edge of the Milwaukee River, crying loudly and looking for help. As Brian approached, the woman said, “No one can help me, tell my family and kids that I love them.” She leaned forward, intending to fall into the river. Brian instinctively grabbed her and pulled her back before she could fall in. In telling the story, Jenkins beams with pride over the empathy and compassion his ambassadors show toward those in Milwaukee and beyond. 

Rightfully so, Jenkins follows stating that one of his favorite events of the year is Downtown Employee Appreciation Week. Throughout the week Milwaukee Downtown celebrates and honors the employees that work hard to positively affect the Milwaukee Downtown area. 

Jenkins expands by stating,“I enjoy seeing so many downtown employees at the parks playing games… and free food!” 


Lightning Round to get to know Roosevelt! 

Who is your favorite band? 

Steve Miller Band 

What is your favorite vacation spot? 

Anywhere near water and a fire pit.

What is your favorite quality about yourself?

Great personality (we agree!) and how I care about people. 

In fact, in high school Roosevelt won the class sweetheart and best personality. 

If you were to have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? 

My mother (Nancy) passed away in 2007 with cancer, but to have dinner with her again to tell her how much I miss her and love her!


Congratulations Roosevelt on being awarded the first Ambassador of the Month! We are so grateful for your time and commitment to Milwaukee Downtown!



Posted in:  Silver Linings