Experience Downtown Blog

310W General Manager Keeps Essential Tenants Safe During ‘Safer at Home’ Ordinance

Tue, 05/19/2020 - 12:00 /   310 W Milwaukee Downtown

The Heroes Project salutes those who MKE a difference. To engage with our community virtually, we've documented the stories of downtown's frontline heroes, who ultimately inspired our next mural. Titled "The Hero in You," by Milwaukee artist Ken Brown, will transform MacArthur Square this June. For more details, visit www.milwaukeedowntown.com/art. Photography for Milwaukee Downtown by Andrew Feller.

Downtown properties are working hard to continue to offer their services to their clients and 310W is no exception. Kim Guerrero is the senior general manager at 310W and her life is looking quite different now. The three main tenants in the building are still operating with a slightly reduced staff but have not closed since they are deemed essential services. The government tenants have either closed their offices or are staffed with only one to two people for a couple of days of the week. The building management team at 310W worked hard to try and stay ahead of the curve by placing extra sanitizing stations in high impact areas, securing building access points earlier and reopening them later in the morning. This all keeps the public from coming into the building earlier than necessary and keeps the staff onsite safe. All schedules from maintenance staff, management, even lighting and power schedules have been adjusted. Kim limits her time to just going into the office and mailroom. She has taken on many duties that building personnel would have done previously. 

At home, Kim is happy to have her daughters home and eating dinner with them every night. Family conversations are on the rise and a new puppy is giving everyone an activity to partake in. Two babies have been added to their extended family as well and they are so excited to meet the new members of the family when they can. 

310 W Milwaukee DowntownThis time is memorable for Kim because it has shown how precious life is and that it should not be taken for granted. Some friends and family have gotten COVID-19 and recovered, but others have died. The quote from Brené Brown has lifted Kim’s spirits, “Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver, and our world could stand to be a little kinder and braver. Courage works.” She knows that everyone will come out of this and everyone has to do their part in making that happen. 

About the Author: Claire Neville is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Special Project Intern with Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21, advancing downtown's strategic priorities in the realm of economic development and public space management.

Posted in:  Arts & Culture Posted in:  News