Dining & Nightlife

Brewery District

910 W. Juneau Avenue
414.939.8592 | ampedmke.com

Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery
917 W. Juneau Avenue
414.630.1609 | bestplacemilwaukee.com

Bento Xpert
1125 N. 9th Street, Unit F
414.935.2823 | facebook.com/Bentoxpert

Central Waters Brewing Co.
1037 W. Juneau Avenue
414.271.3174 | centralwaters.com

Coaches 1125
1125 N. 9th Street
414.301.2128 | facebook.com/coaches1125

On Tap
1203 N. 10th Street
414.810.3351 | ontapmilwaukee.com

Marco Pollo
1125 N. 9th Street, Unit E
414.791.8189 | marcopollomke.com

Pilot Project Brewing
1128 N. 9th Street
414.395.1070 | pilotprojectbrewing.com

Cathedral Square District

4one4 Nutrition
823 E. Kilbourn Avenue
414.249.5419 | facebook.com/4one4Nutrition

600 EAST Café
600 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.224.6594 | 600eastcafe.com

Alem Ethiopian Village
307 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.224.5324 | alem-ethiopianvillage.com

Allure MKE
789 N Jefferson Street
414.732.6899 | alluremke.live

315 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.369.3683 | amilinda.com

Andiamo Coffee & Tea
777 N. Van Buren Street
414.293.9090 | andiamomke.com

Artisan Ramen
530 E. Mason Street
414.888.8800 | artisan-ramen.com

Barrel Burrito Co.
782 N. Jefferson Street
414.210.4682 | barrelburrito.com

925 E. Wells Street
414.765.1166 | bacchusmke.com

Belmont Tavern
784 N. Jefferson Street
414.988.6161 | thebelmonttavern.com

424 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.298.3196 | blumilwaukee.com

Bollywood Grill
1038 N. Jackson Street
414.271.8200 | bollywoodgrill.us

714 N. Milwaukee Street
414.210.5381 | brunchitup.com

801 N. Cass Street
414.277.1111 | buckleysmilwaukee.com

Café at the Pfister
424 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.273.8222 | thepfisterhotel.com

Café at the Plaza
1007 N. Cass Street
414.276.2101 | plazahotelmilwaukee.com

Carbon Steak
725 N. Milwaukee Street
414.763.7770 | carbonsteak.com

718 N. Milwaukee Street
414.223.2200 | carnevor.com

Central Standard Distillery Crafthouse & Kitchen
320 E. Clybourn Street
414.455.8870 | thecentralstandard.com

600 E. Ogden Avenue
414.223.4710 | chipotle.com

Classy Girl Cupcakes
825 N. Jefferson Street
414.270.1877 | classygirlcupcakes.com

County Clare Irish Inn & Pub
1234 N. Astor Street
414.272.5273 | countyclare-inn.com

728 N. Milwaukee St
414.225.1760 | getbianchini.com

Dave's Hot Chicken
544 E. Ogden Avenue
414.239.6014 | daveshotchicken.com

Discourse Coffee
700 N. Art Museum Drive
1020 N. Broadway

Diverse Dining Market
250 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.210.3451 | 4diversedining.com

Downtown Kitchen
777 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.287.0303 | bartolottas.com

East Town Kitchen & Bar
323 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.847.3162 | easttownkitchenandbar.com

Einstein Bros Bagels
544 E. Ogden Avenue
414.276.9888 | einsteinbros.com

833 N. Jefferson Street
414.765.0615 | elsas.com

Experts Only
782 N. Jefferson Street

Fairgrounds Café
916 E. State Street
414.395.3003 | fairgrounds.cafe

Fiddleheads Coffee
790 N. Water Street
414.210.4509 | fiddleheadscoffee.com

722 N. Milwaukee Street
414.488.2029 | flourchild.pizza

Harbor House
550 N. Harbor Drive
414.395.4900 | bartolottas.com

Indulge Wine Room
708 N. Milwaukee Street
414.390.9463 | getbianchini.com

544 E. Ogden Avenue
414.800.7991 | jamba.com

Jersey Mike’s
544 E. Ogden Avenue
414.539.3253 | jerseymikes.com

Jimmy John’s
1425 N. Jefferson Street
414.347.1234 | jimmyjohns.com

The Knick
1030 E. Juneau Avenue
414.272.0011 | theknickrestaurant.com

Lucid Light Lounge
729 N. Milwaukee Street
414.763.4545 | lucidmke.com

Lupi & Iris
777 N. Van Buren Street
414.293.9090 | lupiandiris.com

Mason Street Grill
425 E. Mason Street
414.298.3131 | masonstreetgrill.com

Midwest Sad
770 N. Jefferson Street
414.335.8162 | midwestsadmke.com

Monica’s on Astor
1228 N. Astor Street

544 E. Ogden Avenue
414.273.9705 | noodles.com

Oggie's Kitchen + Bar
411 E. Mason Street
414.225.3260 | oggiesmke.com

Ouzo Café
776 N. Milwaukee Street
414.272.6896 | ouzocafe.com

Panera Bread
600 E. Ogden Avenue
414.224.0200 | panerabread.com

Paper Table 
733 N. Milwaukee Street
414.885.9525 | papertablefoodco.com

Pita Pit
231 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.930.0910 | pitapitusa.com

411 E. Mason Street
414.272.1937 | pufferfishmke.com

RARE Steakhouse
833 E. Michigan Street
414.273.7273 | raresteaks.com

Real Chili
419 E. Wells Street
414.271.4042 | realchilimilwaukee.com

Room Seven
780 N. Jefferson Street
414.775.0829 | facebook.com/PlumLoungeMKE

785 N. Jefferson Street
414.488.9578 | safinamke.com

Shah Jee’s
770 N. Jefferson Street
414.271.5354 | shahjeesmke.com

316 N. Milwaukee Street
414.485.6010 | sinabromke.com

The Social American Tavern
611 N. Broadway
414.271.6611 | thesocialmke.com

The Sofie
777 N. Jefferson Street
414.930.0683 | thesofie.com

750 N. Jefferson Street
414.808.1588 | sportclubmke.com

544 E. Ogden Avenue
414.221.9099 | starbucks.com

323 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.278.5999 | starbucks.com

720 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.208.7346 | starbucks.com

State Street Pizza Pub
322 W. State Street
414.249.5386 | statestreetpizzapub.com

Stella Van Buren
550 N. Van Buren Street
414.847.5622 | stellavanburen.com

1200 N. Van Buren Street
414.220.4555 | subway.com

Swingin’ Door Exchange
219 E. Michigan Street
414.276.8150 | swingindoorexchange.com

795 N. Jefferson Street
414.271.2855 | taylorsmilwaukee.com

Third Coast Provisions
724 N. Milwaukee Street
414.323.7434 | thirdcoastprovisions.com

This Is It!
418 E. Wells Street
414.278.9192 | thisisitbar.com

Tupelo Honey
511 N. Broadway
414.207.4604 | tupelohoneycafe.com

Tropic MKE
518 N. Water Street
414.212.8577 | tropicmke.com

Turmeric Indian Cafe & Bar
1014 N. Van Buren Street
414.935.2526 | turmericcafemke.com

Uncle Wolfie’s Dinner Diner
600 N. Broadway
414.935.2076 | unclewolfiesdinnerdiner.com

Valentine Coffee
189 N. Milwaukee Street
414.208.6000 | valentinecoffeeco.com

Victor’s on Van Buren
1230 N. Van Buren Street
414.272.2522 | victorsonvanburen.com

Ward’s House of Prime
540 E. Mason Street
414.223.0135 | wardshouseofprime.com

741 N. Milwaukee Street
414.225.0000 | zarletti.net

Convention Center District

3rd Street Market Hall
275 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.224.0384 | 3rdstmarkethall.com

414 Bar + Kitchen
503 N. Plankinton Avenue

311 N. Plankinton Avenue
414.276.4400 | aperitivomke.com

Avenue Bar and Grill
611 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.271.7327 | avenuemilwaukee.com

BB’s (Build-a-Breakfast/ Build-a-Burger)
633 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.270.1070 | bbmilwaukee.com

850 N. Plankinton Avenue
414.270.0890 | benihana.com

The Capital Grille
310 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.223.0600 | thecapitalgrille.com

DOC’s Commerce Smokehouse
754 N. Vel R. Philips Avenue
414.935.2029 | docsbbq.net

719 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.271.8990 | dominos.com

622 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.347.1599 | dunkindonuts.com

Explorium Brewpub
143 W. St. Paul Avenue
414.423.1365 | exploriumbrew.com

700 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.810.0002 | filfilmke.com

High Note Karaoke Lounge
645 N. James Lovell Street
414.312.3100 | thehighnotemke.com

Hilton Milwaukee - The Café
509 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.271.7250 | hiltonmilwaukee.com

Hyatt Regency - Bistro 333
333 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.270.6130 | hyatt.com

Lazo's Taco Shack
641 N. James Lovell Street
414.988.6567 | lazostacoshackmke.biz

Major Goolsby’s
340 W. Kilbourn Avenue
414.271.3414 | majorgoolsbys.com

Miller Time Pub & Grill
509 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.271.2337 | milwaukee.millertimepubandgrill.com

Milwaukee ChopHouse
633 N. 5th Street
414.226.2467 | milwaukeechophouse.com

Mo’s, A Place For Steaks
720 N. Plankinton Avenue
414.272.0720 | mosaplaceforsteaks.com

Mo’s Irish Pub
142 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.272.0721 | mosirishpub.com

135 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.226.0014 | potbelly.com

509 W. Wisconsin Avenue
414.390.1804 | starbucks.com

Stella's: A Cocktail Dive
746 N. James Lovell Street

Stir Cocktail Lounge
112 W. Wisconsin Avenue

Stone Creek Coffee
442 N. 5th Street
414.431.2157 | stonecreekcoffee.com

222 W. Wells Street
414.817.0241 | xankiawi.com


Deer District/ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

1103 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.210.2938 | 90s2Kcafe.com

Aloft Milwaukee Downtown - WXYZ Bar
1230 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.226.0122 | marriott.com

The Beer Garden
1133 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.908.0401 | thebeergardenmke.com

Brick 3 Pizza
1107 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.224.6040 | brick3pizza.com

Calderone Club
842 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.273.3236 | calderoneclub.net

Canary Coffee Bar
720 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.426.8389 | canarycoffeebar.com

Carson’s Ribs
301 W. Juneau Avenue
414.223.3311 | ribs.com

1019 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.296.2450 | copperonking.com 

Deer Camp
1023 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.316.9900 | campbarmke.com

Drink Wisconsinbly Pub
320 W. Highland Avenue
414.409.1740 | drinkwi.pub

Edith Cocktail Bar
228 W. Wells Street
414.455.8003 | edithmke.com

Fat Tuesday
333 W. Juneau Avenue
414.249.5405 | fattuesday.com

George Webb
812 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.278.0225 | georgewebb.com

Good City Brewing
333 W. Juneau Avenue
414.539.4343 | goodcitybrewing.com

Il Cervo
420 W. Juneau Avenue
414.279.6660 | ilcervorestaurant.com

The King And I
830 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.276.4181 | kingandirestaurant.com

Local Pub
1137 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.249.3336 | lp-mke.com

The Lucky Clover
1048 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.316.9986 | luckyclovermke.com

Mader’s Restaurant
1041 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.271.3377 | madersrestaurant.com

The MECCA Sports Bar and Grill
1134 N. Vel R. Phillips Avenue
414.908.0401 | themeccamke.com

The New Fashioned
1122 N. Vel R. Phillips Avenue
414.939.8592 | newfashionedmke.com 

Milwaukee Brat House
1013 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.273.8709 | milwaukeebrathouse.com

Oak Barrel Public House
1033 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.897.8320 | oakbarrelmilwaukee.com

Old German Beer Hall
1009 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.226.2728 | oldgermanbeerhall.com

1044 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.226.6044 | rwbmke.com

San Giorgio
838 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.276.2876 | sangiorgiopizza.com

S’lush Milwaukee
1110 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

State Street Pizza Pub
322 W. State Street
414.249.5386 | statestreetpizzapub.com

Sweet Connie's Cafe
1031 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
1.800.873.1440 | sweetconniescafe.com

Taco Mike’s
1001 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.763.3325 | tacomikes.com

Third Street Tavern
1110 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.897.8137 | thirdstreettavernmke.com

Truth Lounge
1111 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Uncle Buck's
1125 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.988.0355 | unclebucksonthird.com

Whitetail MKE
1110 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.810.0390 | whitetailmke.com

Who's on Third
1007 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
414.879.8373 | whosonthirdmke.com


Water Street District

AJ Bombers
1247 N. Water Street
414.221.9999 | ajbombers.com

Alderaan Coffee
1560 N. Water Street
414.395.9955 | alderaancoffee.com

Awi Sushi
755 N. Water Street
414.340.6216 | theawisushi.com

1139 N. Water Street
414.226.6969 | barnonemilwaukee.com

Biggby Coffee
920 N. Water Street 

Birch + Butcher
459 E. Pleasant Street
414.323.7372 | birchonpleasant.com

628 N. Water Street
414.210.4971 | bodegamke.com

1213 N. Water Street
414.224.1690 | brothersbar.com

Brownstone Social Lounge
524 N. Water Street
414.210.4824 | facebook.com/brownstonesociallounge

China Gourmet
117 E. Wells Street
414.272.1688 | china-gourmet.com

City Social Bar & Grill 
and The Lynq
530 N. Water Street

District on Water
628 N. Water Street
414.252.0145 | districtmke.com

Duke’s on Water
158 E. Juneau Avenue
414.221.0625 | facebook.com/dukesonwater

111 E. Wisconsin Avenue
414.224.7924 | dunkindonuts.com

Elwood’s Liquor and Tap
1111 N. Water Street

The Fatty Patty
221 E. Juneau Avenue
414.522.1133 | fattypattymke.com

Grassroots Salad Company
607 N. Water Street
414.249.4464 | ieatgrassroots.com

The Harp
113 E. Juneau Avenue
414.289.0700 | theharpirishpub.com

Ian’s Pizza
146 E. Juneau Avenue
414.727.9200 | ianspizza.com

Jimmy John’s
767 N. Water Street
414.227.1166 | jimmyjohns.com

Lowcountry Milwaukee
1114 N. Water Street
414.252.0015 | lowcountrychicago.com/milwaukee-wi

1135 N. Water Street
414.278.8888 | mcgillycuddysmilwaukee.com

Mediterranean Cuisine
753 N. Water Street
920.306.3799 | mediterraneancuisinemke.com

Mojo MKE
134 E. Juneau Avenue

Newsroom Pub
137 E. Wells Street
414.249.4090 | newsroompub.com

1127 N. Water Street
414.216.4316 | pourmansmke.com

1150 N. Water Street
414.389.8744 | qdoba.com

Red Rock Saloon
1227 N. Water Street
414.431.0467 | redrockmilwaukee.com

Rodizio Grill
777 N. Water Street
414.431.3106 | rodiziogrill.com

Saint Kate - the Bar
139 E. Kilbourn Avenue
414.291.4797 | saintkatearts.com

Saint Kate - Giggly
139 E. Kilbourn Avenue
414.431.1211 | saintkatearts.com

Saint Kate - Proof Pizza
139 E. Kilbourn Avenue
414.270.4433 | saintkatearts.com

779 N. Front Street
414.271.2007 | www.safe-house.com

Scooters Pub
154 E. Juneau Avenue
414.274.7201 | facebook.com/scooterspubmke

710 N. Plankinton Avenue
414.212.8495 | subway.com

Third Coast Gourmet
309 N. Water Street
414.488.8522 | thirdcoastgourmet.com 

Toro Tacos and Bowls
111 E. Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 120
262.333.3052 | rivercentermarketmke.com

Trinity Three Irish Pubs
125 E. Juneau Avenue
414.278.7033 | trinitythreeirishpubs.com

Tropic MKE
518 N. Water Street
414.212.8577 | tropicmke.com

1122 N. Edison Street
414.223.1122 | vagabondmke.com

111 E. Kilbourn Avenue
262.333.3052 | rivercentermarketmke.com

Water Street Brewery
1101 N. Water Street
414.272.1195 | waterstreetbrewery.com

Waterfront Deli
761 N. Water Street
414.220.9300 | milwaukeewaterfrontdeli.com