Requests for Qualifications


The purpose of Business Improvement District No. 21 (the "BID") is to sustain the competitiveness of Downtown Milwaukee (boundaries for which are depicted on the attached Exhibit A) and to ensure a clean, safe and friendly environment conducive to business activity.  Two ways of fulfilling the BID's purpose are its Landscape and Holiday Street Decor Programs.  The BID currently contracts with a third party landscape service provider to plant and maintain flowers and plants in all publicly owned pots, planters and tree wells in public rights of way within the BID boundaries, including sidewalks and riverwalks.  The BID also contracts with the same third party service provider to install, maintain, operate, remove and store seasonal holiday street decor.  The Landscape and Holiday Street Decor Programs are key components of the BID's Clean Sweep Ambassador Program, providing additional sidewalk cleaning and public space maintenance, holiday beauty and excitement and, more generally, introducing active, positive forces in Downtown.

The BID seeks to contract with service providers to continue the Landscape and Holiday Street Decor Programs commenced in 1998.  More detailed descriptions of the Landscape and Holiday Street Decor Programs are set forth in the Agreement for Services attached as Exhibits B and C to be executed by the successful bidder(s).

Through this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ"), the BID is seeking:  (a) statements of qualifications from service providers experienced with similar programs who can successfully continue the BID's current Landscape and/or Holiday Street Decor Programs at the same or higher quality level on a cost-effective basis; (b) preliminary proposals and cost estimates for the Landscape and/or Holiday Street Decor Programs; and (c) evidence of past successes with similar programs.

Responders must submit two (2) copies and one electronic copy of their qualifications to the BID c/o Deborah Tomczyk, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., 1000 North Water Street, Suite 1700, Milwaukee, WI 53202 ( not later than Monday, July 12, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Submissions should include, at minimum:

1. A description of, and resumes for, the staff to be involved in implementing the Landscape and/or Holiday Street Decor Programs.

2. An estimate of costs and/or fees for the Landscape and/or Holiday Street Decor Programs, including a breakdown of wages, benefits, planting and material costs, overhead and management fees and a description of methods to achieve living wages.

3. A description of the training, personnel and employee retention policies to be followed.

4. A description of the plantings, flowers, materials, Holiday Street Decor, equipment and supplies to be used and where such items will be stored.

5. A description of past experience in programs similar to the BID's Landscape and/or Holiday Street Decor Programs.

6. The responder's written description of the Landscape and/or Holiday Street Decor Programs’ successes and challenges.

7. A description of how the responder will further the diversity, equity and inclusion goals of the BID.

8. Contact information for at least five (5) references. Portions of submissions addressing items 1 through 8 above should not exceed five pages.

The BID may select service providers in the BID's sole and absolute discretion and considering any factors it deems relevant. The BID intends to select the service providers who will provide the BID with the most costeffective responsible proposal and best overall value consistent with all BID objectives.  The BID's selection shall be based, primarily, on technical, management, cost realism, past performance, promotion of the BID's clean, safe and friendly theme and achievement of the BID’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals.  Although costs will be evaluated, the BID reserves the right to select other than the low cost proposer.  This RFQ shall not impose or create any contractual or other liability on the part of the BID.  The BID reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to consider any qualifications, to waive omissions or irregularities in any proposal, or accept or reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, if in the BID's sole judgment, its best interests will be served.

EXHIBIT A Boundaries of Business Improvement

BID 21 boundaries map


RFQ for Certain Landscape and/or Holiday Street Decor Service Copy of Letter to Service Provider Request for Proposals BID #21 Landscape Program - blacklined version Request for Proposals BID #21 Landscape Program - clean copy